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Asperger’s Syndrome


Some regard Asperger’s Syndrome as "high functioning" Autism, while others believe it to be a separate disorder under Pervasive Developmental Disorders. In general, these individuals may have some features of autism. What sets them apart is that all Aspergers's children are verbal, and may have average cognitive (intelligence) skills. They have the tendency to sound more adult-like in their communication, and may even be hyperlexic (early readers). However their comprehension of spoken or written materials differs significantly from oral or written output. There is also a tendency towards a preoccupation with certain subjects, and unusual memorizing skills. A misunderstanding of social behaviors and nuances is always present. Language is taken quite literally and double meanings and jokes can be quite difficult for individuals with this syndrome. Language intervention particularly geared toward comprehension of verbal and written materials, as well as social skills groups, are quite helpful.